Happy September, everyone! Click the file below to view our latest newsletter, with information about...
When it comes to our neighborhood, we have a lot to be thankful for: Neighbors who are passionate, care about its success—and always have a spare wrench to lend.
But this neighborhood didn't get this way simply because of its old houses or tree-lined streets (although those helped). It's a great place to live because of the involvement of its neighbors. Now, as the year winds to a close, the Boulevard Neighborhood Association is looking for neighbors who want to help carry the torch for this neighborhood. We have a dedicated group serving the neighborhood through the BNA, but we can always use more hands on deck to plan a neighborhood party or organize a neighborhood-wide yard sale. Want to play a larger role in your neighborhood? Be a part of the BNA. We are now accepting nominations for our steering committee, including several leadership roles. If you like your neighborhood, can meet four times a year and like to help plan taco parties, please fill out the form below or send us an email.
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Last fall, Athens-Clarke County Transportation and Public Works conducted a traffic study on the east end of Boulevard. The results confirmed that we have a lot of traffic (3,000 cars/day, mostly cut-through) and that it’s fast (85% of cars exceeding 35 mph, while the speed limit is 30 mph). Therefore, we qualify for traffic calming measures at no cost. Traffic Engineering staff and the Mayor & Commission need to know what measure(s) we most prefer. Please follow the link below to fill out a survey for your preferences. *Note that not all of the options presented in this questionnaire are necessarily appropriate for our neighborhood; they are a broad sampling of available tools.
After the questionnaire period closes, we will work with staff and elected officials to choose the best measures based on your input, professional guidance, and other factors. Join us this Saturday as we work on removing some invasive species at Boulevard Woods. This is an important part of park maintenance—not only does it promote a robust and healthy ecosystem in and around the park, but it also makes the area more pleasant and easier to maintain over the long term!
Please join us 10 a.m.-noon at Boulevard Woods Park (298 Barber St.) for this collaborative restoration and beautification workday! The Boulevard Neighborhood Association is now looking for nominees to join our Steering Committee. The committee meets throughout the year (typically, quarterly) and is responsible for planning at least two neighborhood events a year in addition to addressing any issues or questions that arise concerning the neighborhood.
This is a great way to get to know your neighbors and your neighborhood, or just get more involved in the community. If you're interested or would like more information, please contact our nominating committee chair, Jell Kilpatrick, for details. |