BouleYard is Boulevard's annual neighborhood wide yard sale. It is typically held in August on the first weekend after UGA classes resume. For more info on the 2024 BouleYard which will be held August 17, please visit our Facebook page or the Boulevard 2024 Facebook event page.
Gather your weird, wild, and unwanted stuff. Sell for profit. Meet your neighbors. Original art, lemonade stands, and other creative, legal endeavors are welcome.
Want to sell? Register your household on our Google Form to be included on the yard sale map which will be posted to our Facebook page and distributed via email to BNA members. Visit our Facebook event page for the event sign up and feel free to post photos or info to this page about items you're selling to promote your sale.
The hours are suggestions—if you have preferred hours, you do you. Also, note on the form if you have certain items you think might interest people—we'll include it in the promotion.
The Boulevard Neighborhood Association will create a map of participating households and keep the event page up to date. In past years we've seen hundreds of people come out for this event, so it's a great opportunity to sell some stuff and make some cash. In the event of inclement weather, pertinent updates regarding the status of the event will be posted on Facebook.
Want to shop? Follow our Facebook page for a map of participating households. Share the event page and bring your friends. Grab a coffee and walk, skip, or scoot to meet your neighbors. The map will be posted the week before the sale.
In the spirit of neighborliness:
-please consider becoming a member of the Boulevard Neighborhood Association if you aren't already. You can join via our website:
- if you are hosting a yard sale, please consider a voluntary donation of 10% of sale proceeds to BNA. Funds will be earmarked for the neighborhood tree planting initiative.
Not sure if you're in the BLVD? Neighborhood boundaries for this purpose are the CSX railroad tracks and Cleveland Avenue on the north, the north side of Prince Avenue on the south, both sides of Pulaski Street and Standard Oil Street on the east, and both sides of Pound Street on the west.
Questions? Email [email protected]
Gather your weird, wild, and unwanted stuff. Sell for profit. Meet your neighbors. Original art, lemonade stands, and other creative, legal endeavors are welcome.
Want to sell? Register your household on our Google Form to be included on the yard sale map which will be posted to our Facebook page and distributed via email to BNA members. Visit our Facebook event page for the event sign up and feel free to post photos or info to this page about items you're selling to promote your sale.
The hours are suggestions—if you have preferred hours, you do you. Also, note on the form if you have certain items you think might interest people—we'll include it in the promotion.
The Boulevard Neighborhood Association will create a map of participating households and keep the event page up to date. In past years we've seen hundreds of people come out for this event, so it's a great opportunity to sell some stuff and make some cash. In the event of inclement weather, pertinent updates regarding the status of the event will be posted on Facebook.
Want to shop? Follow our Facebook page for a map of participating households. Share the event page and bring your friends. Grab a coffee and walk, skip, or scoot to meet your neighbors. The map will be posted the week before the sale.
In the spirit of neighborliness:
-please consider becoming a member of the Boulevard Neighborhood Association if you aren't already. You can join via our website:
- if you are hosting a yard sale, please consider a voluntary donation of 10% of sale proceeds to BNA. Funds will be earmarked for the neighborhood tree planting initiative.
Not sure if you're in the BLVD? Neighborhood boundaries for this purpose are the CSX railroad tracks and Cleveland Avenue on the north, the north side of Prince Avenue on the south, both sides of Pulaski Street and Standard Oil Street on the east, and both sides of Pound Street on the west.
Questions? Email [email protected]